Until now we are still wondering whatever happened to Ka Sito and friends. Have they finally come to their senses following the barrage of replies from concerned members in relation to their dim-witted innuendos? Have they finally given up and opted to accept the echoing reality that their attempt to destabilize and destroy the community had caused them quite the contrary? This is good news if indeed is the case.
NOW, However, we would like to raise the question to our beloved, duly elected Hull Filipino Community President and her entire leadership, are you just letting the issue die down unresolved? Is it a thing of the past to you? What were the steps you and your entire leadership took in addressing the KA SITO issue? Do you need more time? Did you conduct your own investigation as to formally identify those people responsible? How are you going to deal with them once identified? Are you going to impose sanctions, like ban them indefinitely from becoming members of the community (if ever they will have the nerve to join in the absence of delicadeza) because of the gravity of their offense? Or in the spirit of goodwill, forgive them totally and encourage them back to the fold? Or at least let them issue an overdue apology addressed to the entire constituency for the troubles they caused? And how are the ADVISERS taking this issue, have they anything to say? Are they ever being taken seriously by your leadership? We ought to know. Please REPORT to the PEOPLE! Because you all owe it to us members, we put our trust in you. Has anybody in you lost interest in representing us now that you discerned the true "weight" of becoming a leader? It couldn't be badder than this but if you do, please inform the constituency and we will try to help or fill the void with other competent people, if need be. This is a challenge we believe you can surpass if you will take actions and put up with your convictions. Otherwise again this will somewhat cause a stir and before we knew it, we are again embroiled in another dilemma which only mean more chaos and further division amongst us and worst, Exodus of active members because of lost of confidence to the leadership. A matter of PRUDENCE, Is what we need I guess.
Our plea is for you to take concrete actions according to your pronouncement to resolve the issue and be accountable to the people, maybe by way of a newsletter or a post to the HFC Blog site whichever way convenient to your liking, to once and for all put a CLOSURE to the KA Sito issue because until now it's still an open book (like a nagging toothache).
We are praying for our leaders to be fair and firm.
Respectfully yours,
Concerned HFC member
"The time is always right to do what is right." – Martin Luther King Jr.
just to refresh everyone's memory...
By: Ka Sito
Organizer : FAITH (Filipino Association of Immigrants To Hull)
Whereas, the Hull Filipino Community have already done its nominations and elections of its succeeding official in accordance with the provision of the existing Constitution and By-Laws of the organization. The officers and its members have already exerted efforts and spared their very precious time to supervise, conduct and collect the sacred ballots from the registered voters. But after it has been collected, a certain group of people managed to nullify the official mandate without any justifiable reason which in turn undermine the member’s faith and confidence to its incumbent officials;
Whereas, these group of people calling themselves as Ad Hoc Election Committee Members ignores the existing Constitution and By-Law of the HFC thereby, there action can be struck down by the majority of its members and rendering null and void the proclamation of whoever they may get as winners during the election conducted by them;
Whereas, them (COMELEC) being members of the existing HFC organization has the duty to apply what has been written in the by-laws as they find it and NOT to reinvent or second-guess it. There inconsistency tends to denigrate members trust in objectivity and dependability as the body to conduct and supervise the elections which are the very essence and life-blood of the group;
Whereas, they only came out after the ballots have been casted. They only voiced out there ideas when the nominations and elections have been done. We support the concern of these people whom they call the Ad Hoc Election Committee that election controversies be settled, but not their unjust and unnecessary intervention of its incumbent officials to delay the counting and proclamation of proper election winners which eventually frustrate the expression of the members will;
Whereas, the discretion of whether or not to reconsider and count the ballots already casted during the proper election conducted in accordance with its constitution is for the incumbent officials to exercise so that the general membership shall respect such exercise of discretion, unless otherwise demonstrated to have been attended with partiality.
Whereas, what is the most shameful of them all is that when the re-scheduled election was about to take place, the COMELEC Chairman made a new decision to run for an elected office. He did not even recognize what an embarrassing thing has he done. First he muddled the election for assuming himself the Chairman of the Ad Hoc Election Committee and then in the end it came out that he was interested in one of the elective positions. What a shame.
Whereas, the elections of its new officers turned out to be a mockery of the existing by-laws and constitution of the HFC because the constitution provides that the president, vice president and the rest of its officials shall be elected by the majority of its members. It turned out that the losser of the presidential race automatically became the vice president which means that the losser in one position shall become a winner in the lower position. In other words, the vice president was NOT duly elected by the majority of its membership. He did not win in any elected position in the community and niether he has the authority to act as such. His oath of office will be considered void ab initio or void and invalid from the beginning because his election was unconstitutional and inoperative as if it had never been done at all.
and finally, this Vice President was planning to soon abolish the annual sports activity of the HFC and replace it with what he call as a FREE MEDICAL CLINIC. What? Are you joking? We are not living in the remotest part of the Philippines? We are living in a place with free health service. What a pity. Do you want yourselves to be laughed at? Do you want to be deported by the Health Secretary for conducting an illegal medical activity without the authority from the National Health Service and do you want our nurses to be sacked from work for prescribing medications without the General Practitioners recommendation? It would be appropriate for us to say without fear of contradiction that the Vice President should tender his resignation while its too late to clear himself from shame and embarassment.
Now therefore, No to HulI Filipino Community and YES to Filipino Association of Immigrants To Hull (F A I T H)
We hope to have enlightened you on the matter at issue. Anyone who wants to join FAITH, the real Filipino Organization soon to be established with the authority and funding support from the Hull City Council please email me. Thank you.
Ka Sito