Monday, 8 June 2009

june 13- a night to look forward to

My admiration and congratulations goes to the participants of the HFC Independence day celebration. Whilst it would be another 4 days before we witness this event I would like to think that even now I could see it to be a huge success, not only because of the effort put into its preparation by the officers of the HFC and the boundless energy of the choreographers but mostly because of the active participation of our children. I must admit it is not an easy task getting people to get involve, let alone sing and dance. I once organized a similar event 2 years ago and I know how much hard work it entails, and to think that this time we have the little children doing a choreographed dance…not the usual hip hop disco that you see on your TV screens but dances that are alien to our children …yes our small children as young as 2-3 years old are learning the traditional folk dances which we adults probably will find it as difficult to learn. I am not an active participant in this event but my son is and I know like all the parents who tirelessly bring their children to these scheduled practices, we all take great pride to see our children perform and simply enjoy themselves on this occasion.

I must admit when I gathered how many performances the organizers are trying to create for this celebration, I found it to be a bit ambitious considering the time constraint and the manpower involve. It was only about two weeks ago when the organizers were in dire need of dancers, but now all that seems to have been resolved. There are a few HFC members who did not use to actively partake of community activities and yet now take centre stage and are out there to show us their talents. It is very pleasing to know that the community spirit lives on.

I am so looking forward to this day. No doubt, I could see that with the sacrifices the participants and the organizers are putting into the preparation of this event, we the audiences are in for a good show. Let us show support to the HFC community, if we could not actively participate in any of the presentations then at least let us be there to watch our children, families and friends as they awe us with their performances.

Let the true Filipino Spirit prevail…once in a while we need to be reminded of our roots and inculcate in the minds of our children that we will always be Filipinos at heart.