Sunday, 7 February 2010


For the sake of clarification we are giving you a summary of what actually happened on the discussions in our blog site. These are all based on facts and what was written by the bloggers, whether real name or alias was used. The names are described on how it was written on the site and not pertaining to a specific person.

After a moment of peace in our blogsite……….
Ø a certain blogger which uses ' …..' as an alias was suggesting that we close this blogsite.
Ø This was opposed by a lot of our members. HFC blogsite still lives….
Ø Then the topic just died out………….
Ø This blogger using the ‘…. ‘ alias was tracked to be originating from Brisbane, Australia

After a few days……….
Ø ‘Melason’ suddenly out of nothing burst out his/her grievances on the Filipinos here in Hull
Ø This was seconded by ‘Nosalem’.
Ø They seem to both agree on how bad the Filipinos are here in Hull.
Ø This ignited the long long debate about unspoken grievances.
Ø There was a suggestion of using the real name just to avoid or lessen trash talking but was ignored by the attacker, now in the alias of ‘melason or nosalem’
Ø Along the heated argument…… a certain ‘tsismis’, ‘nurse’, ‘carboot’, became so emotional and started attacking the personal life of our members which came to a point that it has to be censored by the admin due to scandal/stress that it might bring.
Ø This gave the reason for the admin to track these aliases…
Ø It showed on the tracker that:
o Melason………from Hull
o Nosalem……….from Brisbane, Australia
o Melason or Nosalem……….. from Brisbane, Australia
o Tsismis, Nurse, Carboot……….. from Brisbane, Australia

Ø A certain ‘Bing’ admitted that she is ‘tsimis, nurse, and carboot’, claiming that everything she said was true and she would never take back any word she said
Ø On tracking this ‘Bing’s IP address, it also originated from Brisbane, Australia
Ø Admin provided a certain ‘Eric with the latitude/longitude of the IP address of ‘Melason’ which is 53.7167 and -0.3333 (decimal value)
Ø ‘Eric’ came up with a value in DMS that point to a certain address, which is somewhat different from the value provided.
Ø Hence, start of some speculations and comments on a certain individual.
Ø Mr. and Mrs. Rey Gromet called the attention of Admin asking for explanation about the coordinates and denying that they are in any chance linked to this ‘Melason’
Ø Admin then explained the differences in the value and posted an apology for not deleting the posted new DMS value.
Ø However, Admin or any of the authors are not in any position to clear a name or point a finger on someone. We have never revealed an exact name or exact address as to who are these people using ‘aliases’.
Ø The bloggers opinions are based on their speculation and judgement. It is beyond our capacity to control their thinkings.
Ø Whatever was revealed on this post has been documented and we are ready to back up with evidence.